lust /lʌst/ [luhst] –noun
:a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually fol. by for)
The funny thing about gear lust is that it is a highly emotional (believe it) experience. Victims are typically so overwhelmed with awe at the onset by the idea, concept, look, and well, newness of a particular piece of gear - that reason and logic (no pun intended - gearfreaks) in support of its usefulness or practically seem to be completely irrelevant and in most cases, non-existent. With that being said, here are a few amendments to my initial shopping list for '08!!

I actually own the MPD32's predecessor, the MPD24, which barely came out a year ago. Alas, I was blinded by its silver-bodied beauty and prospects of putting on dj sets rivaling those of Z-Trip and I probably jumped the gun. The MPD24 is a great piece of equipment, but let's face it, black is the new silver and genuine MPC pads are for pros!
MOOG Little Phatty

I've pretty much been eyeing and playing with this one every time I step into Guitar Center. In the day of computer producing - what can I say - analog hardware is becoming that much more desirable. Don't get me wrong I'm (and I hate arbitrarily placing percentages on things) probably 91.3% in-the-box (working completely within the computer) and prefer it, however, this synth sounds amazing. Plus it has a gang of knobs and wheels to tinker with LIVE. The only problem: THE PRICETAG
MOOG Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue w/ Mahagony finish

This beaute right hurrr is what happens to kids who use the Little Phatty, when they grow up. Let's put it this way - my simple melodies and deranged scales sound like bits (small bits) of Herbie Hancock on the Voyager - seriously. Ok all delusion in check, the sound that emanates from the Voyager are pieces of song sung by cherubs, gleefully instilled in part through the carefree playing of your fingerz. Well at least that what it felt like. Plus the electric blue lighting IS an essential must have! And mahagony wood?!?! C'mon, the only wood I've ever owned is IKEA particle board. It's like Rolls Royce meets TRON. After all, looking good as a musician is what separates the cool ones from the nerds...sometimes.
Arturia moog modular V

And after all that lustin' - at the end of the day, it usually boils down to what's realistically affordable. And that's where the moog modular V comes in. It's a software moog emulator that even the honorable, Dr. Robert Moog, endorses. And I'm all for that.
***update*** I did score a bike shortly after succumbing to my burning desire to get one.
holla atcha choy